Stay On The Nice List With These Healthy Teeth Tips

The winter holidays are a time of fun, family, and festivities. But they can also be a prime opportunity for oral bacteria to cause tooth decay and gum disease, unless you take the proper precautions! In this guide from Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry, we’ll provide some tips that you and your kids can use to stay on the “nice” list, and avoid oral health issues throughout the holiday season! 

1. Snack In Moderation & After Meals – Not Constantly Throughout The Day!

You and your kids should try to eat sugary treats like cookies and candy immediately after you eat meals. This helps you stay consistent about how much you eat, and it also means you’ll be less likely to over-indulge, since you’ll already be quite full from your meal. Eating a meal also stimulates saliva production, which is a good thing when eating sugar, since saliva helps rinse away sugar and food particles. 

Avoid snacking on treats throughout the day. As oral bacteria snack on the sugar in your mouth throughout the day, the bacteria will excrete acid that can damage your teeth and cause cavities. Stick to a few “snack sessions” per day! 

2. Brush (Or At Least Rinse) After Eating Sugary Treats

You and your kids should both be brushing your teeth after eating sugary treats. Rinsing with mouthwash or even water is also a good alternative. If that’s not practical (you’re at a restaurant, for example), drinking a glass of water can help remove sugar and food particles if you can’t rinse. 

You may also want to keep some sugar-free gum on hand for you and your kids. Chewing sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production, which helps rinse away sugar and prevents cavities. 

3. Maintain Your Regular Brushing & Flossing Routine

The holidays can get pretty crazy for families, particularly those who are hosting other family members or who are traveling from state-to-state to visit their extended families.

It can be easy to forget about regular brushing and flossing during the hectic holiday season. But make sure that you and your kids keep up a healthy at-home oral hygiene routine! 

You and your kids need to brush twice a day for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste, and to floss once per day. In fact, brushing three times a day is a good idea during the holidays, when kids and adults alike are more prone to developing cavities! 

Don’t Forget To See The Dentist For A Holiday Checkup! 

In addition to the above tips, it’s important to bring your kids to see a pediatric dentist every six months for a checkup, and the holidays are a great time to visit Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry. If your child is overdue for a teeth cleaning and oral exam, just contact us online or give us a call at (929) 324-1140 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jones and Dr. John today!