Follow These Simple Steps To Keep Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy

Wondering how you can protect your child’s oral health in Greenpoint, and encourage them to maintain a healthier mouth? Here are a few simple steps from Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry that you can follow to make sure your kids take care of their smiles properly. 

1. Teach Them The Basics Of Proper Oral Hygiene

Make sure that your kids know how to brush properly with good technique, and that they spend at least 2 minutes brushing their teeth. You and your kids should both brush twice a day, ideally once in the morning and once after your final meal of the day.

You also should teach them to floss, and floss for them until they’re old enough to learn how to floss on their own, usually between the ages of 6-8. 

It’s also a good idea to get in the habit of using antibacterial fluoride mouthwash every day. This is particularly good after flossing, since mouthwash helps rinse away particles knocked loosed by flossing. 

2. Be A Good Role Model

Kids look up to their parents, and model their behavior. Because of this, you need to make sure you’re being a good role model for your kids and their oral health by doing the following:

  • Maintain your own dental health – Brush and floss alongside your kids. This lets you keep an eye on how they’re cleaning their teeth, and shows them the importance of great dental hygiene.

  • Eat a tooth-healthy diet – Eating a “tooth-healthy” diet that’s low in sugary snacks and drinks is essential for patients of all ages to maintain a healthy smile. Avoid sugar and starchy snacks, and eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy dairy, and lean meats. Try to cut down on processed foods, too.

  • See the dentist regularly – By seeing the dentist every six months, you can show your kids how important regular dental care is, and also make sure your mouth is healthy and free of cavities, gum disease, and other common dental issues.

3. Schedule & Keep Pediatric Dental Appointments

Your child should come to Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry every six months for a consultation with one of our pediatric dentists, so make sure to schedule dental appointments regularly, and always keep your appointments after you’ve made them.

In addition to keeping your child’s mouth healthy, frequent dental appointments let your child’s dentist teach them more about the importance of good oral hygiene. In addition to this, your dentist can suggest treatments to keep their mouth healthier.

For example, if your child is cavity-prone, Dr. Jones or Dr. John may recommend dental sealants to seal up their rear teeth and prevent the formation of cavities.

4. Make It Fun – Consider Rewarding Your Kids For A Good Job! 

There are lots of ways to do this. You can implement a “gold star” system for brushing, for example, and add a star every day when your child brushes their teeth. After a month, they can get a treat like a new toy, a meal at their favorite restaurant, or even a fun outing to a park!

By rewarding your child for doing a good job, you emphasize the importance of dental health, and you also give them motivation to maintain their smile properly. 

Contact Us Today To Get The Care Your Child Needs

At Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry, we’re always accepting new patients, and we would love the chance to meet your little ones. Contact us online or give us a call at  (929) 324-1140 to schedule a consultation in Athens or Watkinsville today, and get the help your kids need.