Understanding Why Dental Cleanings Are So Important For Your Child’s Teeth

Just like adults, kids who are 1 year or older should see the dentist for a teeth cleaning and oral exam every six months. Let Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry help direct you to a fitting dental home. In this blog, we’ll explain why dental cleanings are absolutely essential for your child’s oral health and wellbeing.

1. Prevent Or Identify Cavities

Did you know that cavities are the #1 most common preventable childhood disease? According to the CDC, 42% of children between the ages of 2-11 have had at least one cavity in a baby tooth, and 21% of children between the ages of 6-11 have had at least one cavity in an adult tooth.

Cavities are preventable with good at-home oral hygiene and a healthy diet. But your dentist is important in this process, too. Regular cleanings let your dentist identify small cavities or areas where a cavity may form, and take the appropriate precautions like fluoride treatments or dental sealants. 

And if the dentist does discover a cavity, they can fill it right away to keep it from getting worse, which helps protect your child’s oral health and minimizes the risk of future complications like a tooth infection. 

2. Eliminate Plaque And Tartar For Better Oral Health

Routine teeth cleanings involve the removal of plaque and tartar from your child’s teeth. Their teeth will be scraped, polished, and flossed. This doesn’t just leave their smile bright, white, and shiny. It also helps preserve their oral health. 

Tartar, in particular, is filled with harmful bacteria, and it can’t be eliminated with brushing alone once it builds up. The only way to remove it is with a visit to the dentist! 

3. Keep An Eye On Your Child’s Oral Development

As you already know, kids grow up fast! This is just as true of their mouth and jaw as it is of the rest of their body. This is another reason that six-month visits are important. Teeth cleanings, oral exams, and x-rays let your dentist track your child’s oral development, ensure that everything looks good, and take action if they notice any problems that may need to be addressed.

4. Education About Oral Health & Hygiene Concepts

At Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry, we do more than just treat teeth under sedation. Dr. John and his clinical assistants will explain important dental concepts to parents, educate your little one on the importance of good oral hygiene, and answer any questions that you or your child may have about proper oral care and hygiene. 

Contact Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry For Referrals To Trusted Dental Homes

Whether you’re new to the area, you’re seeking a new pediatric dentist, or you haven’t yet brought your child to the dentist for the first time, Dr. John and the team at Greenpoint Pediatric Dentistry are here to help. Contact us online or call today at (929) 324-1140 to get started right away. We provide sedation and anesthesia for many practices, and we can help refer you to dentists in New York, Vermont, and Georgia.